News posts

No swimming Sunday 10th July

Posted on 08 July 2022

There will be no swimming on Sunday 10th July. The usual session will resume on the 17th July, and that will be the last session until schools return in September (other sessions continue as normal over the Summer break).

Sessions at St Joseph’s

Posted on 10 June 2022

BJSC is pleased to announce that Sunday sessions at St Joseph’s will be commencing from 12th June 2022. Sessions run 09:00–11:00.

No swimming 3rd June 2022

Posted on 01 June 2022

There will be no swimming session on Friday 3rd June 2022, due to the jubilee bank holiday. Session on Monday 6th of June is as normal.

Swimming starts for 2022

Posted on 06 January 2022

Happy New Year to all members. Swimming sessions will reccommence their regular times from Friday 7th January.

Return to regular sessions

Posted on 06 September 2021

We are very pleased to be returning fully to our previous sessions and are looking forward to welcoming everyone back. Please can you ensure that if you have not already done so, the Health screening survey and Returning to training declaration are completed and brought to the pool with you on your return to your training sessions. I is very important that these forms are completed. Please note, a declaration is required for every swimmer, so if you have two or more children, a form will need to be completed for each one.

Please also read the club’s Covid-19 documents and policies.

As the Covid rate is still very high in Wandsworth, we would ask that all swimmers wear face coverings on their return to the pool and arrive ready to swim. Parents/guardians are also requested to wear a face covering in the viewing gallery (unless medically exempt) which should remain on until leaving the leisure ceentre. Please try to maintain distancing in the gallery where possible and note that no parents will be permitted to remain on poolside during the sessions (you may, of course, bring your children to the Teaching Pool but will then be asked to go to the viewing gallery).

As from Monday, 6th September 2021, all sessions will commence as normal, ie:

Monday, 7.30 to 8.30 and 8.30 to 9.30pm (please check with your teacher on Friday, 10th September before attending either of these sessions if you have not done so previously)

Wednesday – 7pm to 8pm – We only have 2 lanes, so this session is by invite only. It may be possible to have this session from 6.30pm in the future, you will be advised accordingly.

Friday (Main Pool) – 7.30pm to 8.15pm, 8.15pm to 9pm and 9pm to 10pm
Friday (Teaching Pool) – 7.30pm to 8pm and 8pm to 8.30pm

Please do not change your regular session(s) without the approval of your teacher/coach. Can we also ask that swimmers turn up on time please, as late entry into the pool can disrupt the class. Please be on poolside ready for your session to start.

Just a reminder for the Teaching Pool swimmers – your sessions will begin on Friday, 10th September 2021. Please attend at 7.30pm for the first week, as we need to see just how many swimmers we will have. The swimmers will be able to stay in the pool for the full hour. Depending on numbers, swimmers may need to return to their 7.30pm or 8.00pm slot that they were in previously for the following weeks (you will be advised).

Please note: It is very obvious, but swimmers should not attend if they have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19, or if they test positive themselves.

We look forward to seeing you all back soon!!

Updates for swimming over the Summer holidays

Posted on 24 July 2021

BJSC will be continuing to swim on Friday evenings at Tooting Leisure Centre throughout July and August. So please come along!

We remind swimmers that they should not be bringing glass water bottles onto the poolside. Please only bring plastic water bottles to training sessions.

The club is asking all swimmers and those sitting in the gallery to continue to wear face masks when attending Tooting Leisure Centre. Swimmers may use the showers and the separate male and female changing facilities, but should arrive ready to swim and change on the poolside as previously.

Return to swimming: 4th June 2021

Posted on 29 May 2021

BJSC will be starting swimming sessions again on the 4th of June 2021. Sessions will run under the same regime as previously.

We may be able to increase capacity, but please do not attend sessions without being invited to do so.

Tooting pool closed for maintenance

Posted on 05 April 2021

Although Covid-19 restrictions are being eased to allow pools to open from the 12th of April, Tooting Leisure Centre’s pool will remain closed for “essential maintenance”.

We do not have a date for returning to swimming, but will contact members as the situtation develops.

Swimming sessions suspended

Posted on 04 January 2021

Due to the changes introduced by London’s inclusion in Tier 4 restrictions, the club will not be returning to swimming on the 8th of January as previously notified. As these restrictions are open-ended, and may yet be increased in their severity, we do not have a date for sessions to restart.

As soon as we have any further information the club will contact members.

Last swim session for 2020 – 11th December

Posted on 09 December 2020

This Friday, 11th December, will be the last swim night for 2020. We are unable to have the pool unless one of the coaches is there and, unfortunately, none of the coaches are available on Friday, 18th December (which would normally have been our “fun” night – which wouldn’t have been much fun anyway as we are not able to have everyone in the pool at the same time due to social distancing. Nor are we able to use any of the pool equipment that we usually have).

For those who do attend this Friday, please be advised that the car parking machine is now in operation and you should enter the registration number of your car. There are wipes beside the machine and hand sanitisers at the entrance and elsewhere in the centre. Please be advised that if you have already completed the health check/returning to swimming declaration, then you do not need to do so again. However, you will still need to stay away from swimming if anyone in your household has symptoms or is otherwise isolating.

We will return, as usual, on the second Friday of 2021, 8th January.

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – stay safe everyone!